Friday, March 1, 2019

We are west of the Mississippi

We rode 50 miles from Hammond to the bank of the Mississippi in Baton Rouge, and then were shuttled across the I-10 bridge to Port Allen.  The weather cooperated once again, it rained all night but stopped by 5 am.  We have heard stories of dogs running loose on country roads here, so we are traveling with whistles and pieces of Slim Jims.  Today several dogs did come out into the road to greet us, but they seemed more curious and happy for diversion than fierce.

We see lots of these palmettos along the roadside.

It’s spring—azaleas about two months earlier than in DC

We went on the levee in Baton Rouge to see the swollen Mississippi.

The bike-unfriendly bridge we were about to cross.  It feels like significant progress to be west of the Mississippi, but I think we still have 3/4 of the ride, and all the climbing, ahead of us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are troupers. There have clearly been serious storms lately.
