Saturday, March 2, 2019

Cajun country

We rode 63 miles from Port Allen to Opelousas, once again starting out in heavy fog.  Most of us have very bright front and rear lights on our bikes, and we do our best to maximize visibility.  Highlights of the day were a police escort, visiting a very friendly town with a great Cajun store, and some lovely swampy scenery.

We had to ride a five mile causeway across a spillway which had no shoulder for bikes.  Because it is so dangerous, the local police provided a two car escort, one leading, one trailing, and 11 bikes in between.  Ken and Nancy and our escort officers posed at the cafe where we met up.

Our escort left us at the little town of Krotz Springs, where the truck was parked for lunch.  By the time we left, we were pretty sure everyone in town knew about the old Yankees on a cross country bike ride.  This little boy and his mother stopped with bottles of cold water for us, so we gave them some maple syrup.  When one of our bikers had a flat a little ways out of town, a couple who had seen us at lunch spotted her and turned around on the highway to help.

If people didn’t see us at lunch, they found us at the Cajun grocery, listening to zydeco music and checking out the merchandise.  I have now tried boudin and cracklins, both excellent.  I passed on the alligator and the frog legs, as they would have been hard to cook at the motel.  I hope to see a live frog the size of the ones who produced the legs in the cooler.

When we stopped on the bridge to take photos of this bayou, Cindy remarked that she was pretty sure she was down South.

Carefully crossing a bridge in a bayou.

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