Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Three nights in the same place

I have the unpacking and repacking down to a science, which is helpful when we are in a different spot every night.  It was nice to have two days off at about the midpoint of the trip.  We went into Austin yesterday in a rental car, had a very interesting visit to to LBJ Library on the grounds of the University of Texas, went to an REI for a few supplies, and had a nice dinner in town.  Today most of us handed off our laundry to Ken and Nancy, who took it to a laundromat, as we lack laundry facilities where we are staying.  I gave my bike a thorough cleaning and excavated my bags.  Susan and I even watched a movie on my computer—about a cross country bike ride!

It is now Wednesday, as the internet died last night before I could post this entry.

LBJ animatron at the LBJ Library.  It was in the Nieman Marcus Christmas catalog many years ago and no one bought it, so it was donated to the Library.

Day off activities.  

I missed seeing this bike art on the day we rode 79 miles.  Cindy spotted it and shared it.  Maybe you see more when you are riding an electric bike.

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