Saturday, June 3, 2023

Back on the road, June 3

 I left Washington D.C. on Wednesday morning for a very long two day drive to Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Fortunately, a friend was riding with me to share the driving.  We were traveling with some trepidation, as there have been major forest fires in Nova Scotia this week, but we saw more smoke and haze around Baltimore and New York City than we did further north. Friday we explored Halifax a bit and particularly enjoyed the waterfront area.

Our first official day of riding was to be today, but a dramatic change in the weather, with a drop in temperature and heavy rain, had us shuttling to our first destination.  I would have missed today’s ride in any circumstances, as I had to move my car out to tonight’s hotel, where it be parked for the month, but as it turned out, no one rode.  We aren’t complaining, as we, and much more so, the local population, are very relieved that the fires are now pretty much under control.  

We walked past lots of gorgeous and fragrant lilacs yesterday, blooming about six weeks later than they do at home.

With plenty of time today, we drove out to Peggy’s Cove.  The lighthouse perched on the rocks is reportedly one of the most photographed in Nova Scotia.

We walked out briefly out to the lighthouse but retreated quickly to a restaurant for very good seafood chowder. 

There wasn’t much competition for these chairs, even though the view is spectacular.

Our tour leaders, Ken and Nancy Wright, bought a trailer and set it up carry bikes, so that we don’t have to rent a truck if we decide to shuttle, or if some people want to bike and some to shuttle.  We aren’t a young group, most of us well into our 70’s, and they very gracefully and gently recognize our limitations. I have been riding on their trips for ten years now, and I still think meeting them was one of the luckiest days of my life!

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