Tuesday, June 20, 2023

New Brunswick farmland June 20

 We rode 55 miles today from Moncton to Sussex, leaving the water for a day to roll through rural woodlands and farmland, a very different feel from the fishing villages where we have been in for a while.  The ride was different for me because my little bike computer had nor charged properly, so I didn’t know speed or distance.  At the end of the day it gives me a read-out of how much we have climbed, and we climbed lots of hills in parts of the ride, everyone was disappointed not to have justification for our tired legs  

Some days our lunch spots aren’t so scenic.  We were waiting in this decidedly bleak spot for Cal to arrive to set out the sandwich makings. 

Queen Anne’s lace has been added to our roadside bouquet.

We have ridden some rough roads over the last few days.  Within a few miles today, Sharon’s mirror and Hope’s water bottle cage both broke.  Margaret S. helped Sharon reattach the mirror, but the bottle cage was beyond repair.

While the repairs were underway, I was admiring the scenery and dramatic clouds. 

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