Monday, June 12, 2023

Sunshine, short sleeves June 12

We were scheduled to ride 50 miles from Antigonish to Pictor, part of the way reversing a ride we did last week.  We knew there would be a dirt road detour easily in the ride, so we opted to shuttle a few miles, giving us instead a more gentle 42 ride.  For the first time since we started, we had sunshine all day and temperatures above 70 degrees, which made for very pleasant riding.  There was an ice cream stand at out lunch spot, and I had a lobster roll for dinner. All in all, it was one fine day.

This doesn’t count as roadside art, but I love some of the obviously homemade signs we see occasionally.

We had time to detour down to a rocky beach and walk along the water. 

Hope and I sharing our kid sized servings of ice cream.  We clearly entered ice cream country, as we saw four more ice cream stands in the ten miles we rode after lunch. 

We saw several stands of lupine along the road today.  This wasn’t the best one, just the best place to stop.

Cormorants were nesting along a causeway, giv no attention to us or the traffic.

Pictou is described as the birthplace of Nova Scotia.  Although the museum is closed on Mondays, we could see from a distance the ongoing reconstruction of the ship Hector, which brought the first Scottish settlers here in 1778.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret great photos and ICE CREAM. All the best Jim
