Wednesday, June 7, 2023

A bit of sunshine, June 7

 We had an easy day today, 35 miles from Antigonish to Port Hastings.  We are still in Nova Scotia, now on Cape Breton Island.  We actually saw our shadows briefly early in the ride.  A few more miles down the road, I pulled into a gas station to put on my rain jacket, and my three companions rode on ahead of me.  Much to my surprise, about a mile before the end of the ride, one of them was riding up behind me after coming out from her own rest stop.  When we reached the motel, I was the first one in!  The other two, having taken a brief detour with a wrong turn, rode in a few minutes later.  

These two beauties greeted us while the sun was shining.  They were obviously buddies; if the big draft horse moved, the smaller horse quickly came up alongside. 

A buoy tree beside the road.

These photos were taken just outside our motel, definitely the best motel views to date. Also, this was our first sunset since we started riding!

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