Sunday, June 11, 2023

On the Cabot Trail. June 10

 It seems that the days I think I have the best pictures, we arrive at a spot with internet to weak to compile my blog, as was the case last night at the little town of Cheticamp.

We piled in the van at Ingonish Saturday morning to drive most of the Cabot Trail, a very scenic drive around most of the coast.  We headed northeast up the east coast, around the north end of the island, then part way down the west coast to Cheticamp. Part of the way, we were driving through the Cape Breton Highlands National Park.  We had clear skies for about two-thirds of the way, then the clouds lowered and we were fogged in for the final stretch.

We climbed from sea level to this overlook in about ten minutes, which goes a long ways to explaining why we chose not to bike.

                                     At another spot, we took an easy hike up to great overlook.

Another view from the overlook

Then it was back to sea level for more great views.  Everywhere I looked felt like a postcard 

Lunch was a bowl of very succulent mussels, one of my favorite foods. 

We walked a half mile boardwalk through a misty fen in the afternoon. We were hoping to see a moose, but no luck.  We also hoped to spot whales off the coast, but with the fog, we could barely see the water. 

We were a happy group at dinner at a pub in Cheticamp.  We hoped to hear Celtic music, but the group finished playing just before we arrived.  The recorded music was properly atmospheric.

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