Monday, June 13, 2022

Riding home June 12

 I rode right up to my back door and was greeted by many cheering neighbors and a chocolate cake.  What a wonderful homecoming!  The day’s ride was 60 miles from Brunswick to my house; total mileage for the trip was about 1600 miles   I led a group from the Capital Crescent trail through Georgetown to Rock Creek Parkway, then left them to explore the Mall a bit and ride out to their hotel in Arlington, while I turned north toward home.  I drove over to the hotel for our celebratory dinner, picked up my luggage, and said goodbye.  It’s the usual bittersweet feeling, tired and happy to be home and at the same time sorry the adventure is over.  

One of my favorite spots on the C&O is the Monocacy Aquaduct, where the Monocacy River joins the Potomac.

Arriving at my driveway

My welcoming reception made for a great homecoming. 

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