Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Lighthouses June 13

 Yesterday was a long day, so I didn’t try to blog.  We were up and out of our B&B in Pictou, Nova Scotia by 7:20 to make it to our 8:45 am ferry to Prince Edward Island.  We had our bikes and gear assembled by 10:45 for a 36 mile ride along the south coast, then up to Montague.  It was an easy ride in nice weather, with time for a leisurely picnic at a lighthouse.  We rode a few miles on the Confederation rail trail and found it in less than great condition, although great progress has been made in repairing it after Hurricane Fiona did major damage last fall.  As we were scheduled to ride 45 miles on it today, with rain predicted Nancy came up with a road route to Charlottetown, making for a long and late evening meeting.

PEI has at least 63 lighthouses, and I’m not sure if that number includes the decommissioned ones.
We learned that each lighthouse has a different blinking pattern, allowing ships to identify their location along the coast.  The ferry docked near the Woods Islands light, and we biked to the Cape Bear lighthouses, old and new.  The beam from the old lighthouse could be seen out 13 miles, while new solar-powered, and not ver photogenic light can only be seen for two miles. 

A few lobster traps by the road

                                                         Storm damage from Fiona

Wood carvings along the water in Fiona

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