Saturday, July 2, 2016

Two passes to Montana

Our trip across the Idaho panhandle was the shortest visit we will make to a state.  We left Wallace this morning for a 55 mile to Thompson Falls, Montana.  The route involved going through two mountain passes, about 4000 feet of climbing and an equal descent.  The weather was slightly overcast and cooler than it has been, a good thing with all the heat I generate on a long climb.  

The crew having a hearty breakfast before our climbs.

Susan and Tom making their way up through some nice scenery.

 Susan and I at the top of Thompson Pass.  You can see part of the road we came up in the distance behind us.

Another view at the pass.  I think we were all a bit high on the sheer beauty of our surroundings.  

Blackberry pie is such a fine reward.

We ate dinner tonight on a deck just above the spot where I took this shot.


  1. Oh, you are also going along Clark Fork River. I remember Thompson Falls,because I had my first flat tire there. There was no way to fix it that day. The glue just didn't stick because of the heat. Had to wait till next morning.
    The Pass was too much for me and my recumbent. Got a lift with a pickup.
    Keep rolling to the Rockies!

  2. Oh, you are also going along Clark Fork River. I remember Thompson Falls,because I had my first flat tire there. There was no way to fix it that day. The glue just didn't stick because of the heat. Had to wait till next morning.
    The Pass was too much for me and my recumbent. Got a lift with a pickup.
    Keep rolling to the Rockies!
