Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quite the day

We rode 56 miles from Billings to Hardin, more good weather, very little traffic, winds overall light.  Yet many of us are sitting around quite exhausted.  The first half of the ride was lovely, the second just a grind.  We have ordered out for Chinese food, and I'm writing as I wait for it to be delivered, in anticipation of an early bedtime.

We rode up and out of a canyon.  The terrain felt to me like a film set for a Western movie.

The green line snaking through the photo is a very meandering stream.

Sunflowers on the side of the road cheered me on.

Detail of a ranch gate.  

The long road!  I expect there will be similar vistas in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if you already need a rest day but not coming up until July 21 at Mount Rushmore. I remember Montana - open sky and long days.
