Friday, August 9, 2013

Finally, a wet day

I don't have many pictures from today's ride, as my phone/camera was packed away to stay dry.

This was the scene outside our motel this morning, and it didn't get much better until we were 46 miles down the road in Westminster, MA.  While we didn't have the hills or mileage of the last couple of days, we did have fairly miserable road conditions, including some roads whose paving could only be called historic;  we knew it was down there somewhere, but with a lot of other layers on top.  Several people opted not to ride at all, and others called it quits at lunch, but a few of us hung in.  We think we went past some beautiful scenery and nice old houses and churches, but I was primarily concentrating on avoiding puddles that might be hiding potholes.  Tomorrow looks like a beautiful day for our ride into Boston and a chance to make up for the ice cream I didn't eat today.  Sadly, it will also be the last ride of a trip that I am not ready to have end.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great trip in spite of today's rain, Margaret! Woo hoo! We're glad you will end on a better weather day than today. Ice cream will be sooooo well deserved.
    Ummmm.... you could take a sharp acute left turn in Boston and head to Vermont if you still feel like pedaling! :)
    Best wishes, Ruth & Doug
