Friday, June 10, 2022

Mud and fun June 9

 We rode 44 miles on the C&O Canal, I also hiked a 1 1/2 mile trail detour because the PawPaw tunnel is closed for some reconstruction, and I had about a 40 mile ride in the van so that I didn’t have to do a wicked 6 mile climb to the very nice BnB where we are staying.  Most of the group didn’t want to do the detour hike, as pushing a heavy ebike up a narrow trail would be a challenge and taking it down the other side even more difficult.  Consequently, Ken was shuttling riders and bikes in two trips, so when he picked me up 6 miles from the hotel, I had a round trip ride back to the lunch spot.  Crazy day, and lots of driving for Ken.  

Old log lock house on the towpath.  The first time I rode the whole C&O, I photographed every lock house; this trip I am just admiring them. 

It had rained hard the night before, and campers near this lock rigged up an ingenious clothesline. 

All the rain made the path very muddy, and my bike and I were real mud magnets. 

The views on my hike over the tunnel were spectacular, and the climb was a dramatic explanation for the need for the tunnel.

This view was from the drive up to the BnB.  The Vermonters among us were taken aback by the mountains of western Maryland.

Everything is green, even the water.  I love the canal.

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