Monday, February 25, 2019

Another new state

We rode 67 miles today from Tillman’s Corner to Biloxi, Mississippi.  The first 40 or so miles were just perfect riding, sunshine, cool, almost no traffic, lovely country roads.  After the lunch stop, traffic picked up, and the last 7 miles along the beach to our motel were a real pain.  We had read that police stop bikers and instruct them to ride on the sidewalk.  We wanted police to stop us su that we could ask where to find a sidewalk.  Between construction, parade barriers, and sand, I think I was on and off my bike 15 times on a three mile stretch.

First time I’ve ever been in Mississippi.

Seems like an aptly named road.

When our drivers asked if they could park the truck in the church parking lot and set out lunch, the church staff invited them to use the fellowship hall.  We were delighted to sit down in comfort.

Approaching the Biloxi Bay Bridge, which had a 10 foot wide protected bike and pedestrian lane.

A mosaic of the bridge on the approach.

 The art museum in Biloxi was designed by Frank Gehry.  We were out of luck again, as it is closed on Mondays.

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