Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Grand Canyon

The internet has been wonky for the last couple of days, so I will post this message without photos and then try my luck with a few pictures, not that they do justice to the Canyon.
On Monday, we took the train from Williams to the Grand Canyon, riding in a 1923 Pullman coach car.  The train ride was entertaining, starting with a Wild West show of sorts, a cowboy singer on the train, and on the return trip, a train robbery by the notorious Cataract Gang,
The Canyon, of course, defies description.  It was my first visit, and I was properly awed.  I was brave enough to walk a little way down Bright Angel trail, but I was happier on the rim, away from the edge, enjoying the ever changing views and colors.  Monday was a lovely day and Tuesday was clear, but increasingly windy.
I am writing this post at the Grand Canyon Caverns, about 9 miles east of Peach Springs, Arizona.  Once again, we loaded bikes in a UHaul to get here, as the wind has been blowing out of the west at a steady 25 mph, with gusts up to 40 mph.  Not sure what tomorrow will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe! The weather in the West has been crazy, with blizzards in one direction, heat in the other, and very high winds in the SW.
