Sunday, August 7, 2016

Urban riding

Today was almost a rest day, only 35 easy miles into and around Milwaukee.  Much as I hate driving in Milwaukee, I discovered three years ago that riding in the city, as least on Sundays, is quite pleasurable.  Lots of friendly bikers are out and about, and several of us were guided around detours and on sightseeing tours by local bikers.  We rode a while with three bikers discussing the merits of various ice cream establishments in the city--definitely my kind of folk!  I regretted missing a store known for its homemade ice cream, but I opted instead for a locally famous custard stand, as that spot also included a ride up the Lake Michigan shoreline.  Alas, I have no photo of my hot fudge sundae, as it was melting quickly.  

One of our support team took this photo from the window of the vehicle.

Riding up Wisconsin Avenue, we were just in time to see the bridge lift straight up.

The same bridge includes a statue of Gertie the Duck, whose story I knew as a child.  She was discovered in April, 1945 on a piling under the bridge, sitting on a nest with nine eggs.  The whole city, ready for a diversion from the war, followed her saga, as six eggs hatched and five ducklings survived storms and a fire.

We are staying in a dorm at Marquette University tonight. This 13th century chapel dedicated to Joan of Arc, was moved from France first to New York, and then to the campus here.  Joan supposedly worshipped in it before going in to battle.

Near the Chapel is modern statue of Pere Marquette, who with Louis Joliet explored the upper Mississippi River.

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