We rode about 55 miles today from Utica to Johnstown, New York, the first 35 miles generally following the Mohawk River. It was another beautiful day, and one of the first times we have been hot since we left Madison! What an amazing streak of good weather, which may end tomorrow. Hard to complain about three weeks of mainly sunshine.
After finding another fine bakery for a morning snack, we continued for a final stretch along the river, again on the Erie Canal trail. This segment was much rougher riding than we had found earlier, as it had been under about a foot of water when the river had flooded. We wished for trail bikes and rode very carefully. Then after lunch, the ride changed dramatically, with about 6 miles of steady climbing and another 10 miles of more gentle uphill. The view were wonderfully rewarding, and I realized that I had missed hills, as most all of the ride has been very easy going. Guess I have to ride the western half of the country.
Friendly bakers, good chocolate doughnuts
Bike trail along the river
General Herkimer's home, built approximately 1764. If you did your homework yesterday, you know who Herkimer's is. And did you notice that today is the anniversary of the Battle of Oriskany?
As we were riding along the Canal trail, we encountered an Amish buggy. We almost missed the horse tied just a short ways away. And we never did see the the buggy driver, who we suspected was fishing nearby.
Beautiful photos, Margaret! So glad you've had good weather and missed the heat wave of a few weeks ago. Please say hi to Susan and Ziva for me. Judy